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Activities Schedule

Stroker’s Activities Schedule


“Everyone is so friendly and optimistic, despite whatever difficulties they may have had, and everyone involved in the program has such a sense of fun about them that makes every Friday so enjoyable.”

– Jay –


Fill out our contact form and we'll be able to reach you by email.

Alternatively, you can reach

Diana Berriman
Program Director
905 842-8791
[email protected]

Pauline Huddlestone
Volunteer Representative
905 257-1829
[email protected]

Anne-Marie Hurley
(416) 895-4108
[email protected]


We welcome and greatly appreciate your donation.  Tax receipts are issued.
The Oakville Strokers’ Charitable Registration Number is 873037840 RR0001.

To donate, mail your cheque to:

The Oakville Strokers
c/o 142 Howell Road,
Oakville, ON L6H 5Z2


You can also donate to us using Canada Helps by following this link.

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